Join Neighbors Abroad in our Effort to Bring Water to YaxeHistory of the Project
Over the last several years, Neighbors Abroad has partnered with other non-profits on an ambitious, award-winning project in San Nicolás Yaxe, Oaxaca, an indigenous community near our Mexican Sister City. Yaxe lacks piped-in water and the region is susceptible to drought, though summer rainfall is usually plentiful. Villagers have traditionally had to trek long distances for water or rely on small amounts that they could save themselves. Working with Vidas y Sueños, the Stanford Global Well for Life Project, Isla Urbana, Fundacion Moises Itzkowich, Kiwanis of Palo Alto and the Rotary Club of North Hunterdon, N.J., we leveraged $32,000 in donated funds and participated in a massive on-the-ground effort to install 50 state-of-the-art water tanks throughout the village to capture summer rainwater that would otherwise go to waste. The results have been transformative for the village of 3,000 people, who can now grow extra crops and enjoy safer and more plentiful drinking water. In recognition of this project, we were honored to receive the 2022 Innovation in Humanitarian Assistance Award from Sister Cities International, our umbrella organization. What is Next: The 2023 Campaign Building on the huge success of the initial installation of water tanks, Neighbors Abroad is embarking on a new round of fundraising to bring more water to the Yaxe region. Our Mexican partner, Isla Urbana, already has secured a 60/40 match for donations that come from Neighbors Abroad. This means 30 more homes in Yaxe will receive life-changing, 5,000-liter rainwater capture tanks, instructions, and equipment. With the mayor of Yaxe and other government officials, our partners Vidas y Suenos and Isla Urbana have selected the homes will receive the tanks and are ready to begin installation. The tanks have already arrived in Yaxe! We are actively fundraising to meet the $25,000 we have guaranteed for this project. Click the button below to make a tax-deductible donation that will help hard-working Yaxe families get access to water for daily living and agriculture. |
A short video showing aspects of the rainwater capture project.